SME4SMARTCITIES organises its first entrepreneurial mission to pre-selected SMEs in Genoa, Italy
More than 50 entrepreneurs from Italy, Spain, Israel, and Palestine are coming to the city of Genoa, Italy to meet the local stakeholders and deepen their knowledge of the city with a big target in their minds. Finding the right partner and approach to respond with an innovative solution to the local challenges proposed by the municipality of Genoa.
The fantastic co-creation event that will take place in the seaside city of Genoa between the 5th and 6th April 2022 is being organized and hosted by the Italian project partner FI.L.S.E. in collaboration with the Municipality of Genoa under the framework of the SME4SMARTCITIES project. This event is the first of four commercial missions around the Mediterranean area, organized by the other partners of the SME4SMARTCITIES project. The other commercial missions will take place in the following weeks in Spain, Israel and Palestine. The participant SMEs were selected after a Call for Proposals was launched in between October and November 2021. The goal of the Call for Proposals was to identify interested SMEs and afterwards support them in the development of innovative and technological solutions that will solve major urban challenges in the Mediterranean region.
It can be seen from the agenda, that the two days in Genoa will be very busy for the participating entrepreneurs. The planned activities include bilateral meetings between the companies, matching sessions assisted by the facilitators and technology developers and active debates with the local stakeholders. This event will be a win-win moment for the SMEs, letting them deepen their knowledge of the Italian city as well as better tackle the urban challenge in their final project proposal. Furthermore, this event will also guarantee great visibility for the Mediterranean cities as well as for the participating SMEs both at local and at international level.