SME4SMARTCITIES presents the winning SMEs who will address the Genoa urban challenges
Smart traffic light crossings to alert cars about the pedestrians on the crosswalk, state-of-the-art sensors featuring cameras that can monitor any pollutant gases even remotely in the air (and on the move), and send alerts via a smartphone app are solutions provided by the projects selected for the Genoa challenge. Moreover, the aforementioned app will also allow citizens to organize their commuting in a sustainable way, sharing routes and cab fares, for example. This (and much more) is BEAIR, the project presented by the Italian company CALIFORNIA INNOVATION GROUP together with the Israeli company MAGNA BSP and the Spanish company ACTISA that have been selected for the sub-challenge one, that is the regeneration of neighborhood spaces, while improving the comfort areas with high quality air for the use of wider public.
The second project related to the second city sub-challenge is the InHeritage project that solves the need for monitoring and safeguarding the Genoese historical cultural and architectural heritage of the Rolli Palaces UNESCO site. Thanks to the web platform created by Italian SMEs Artys Srl and PM_TEN s.r.l. together with the Spanish company HOPU it will be possible to check the condition of the buildings and intervene in advance on the effects of pollution and climate changes. The 3D reproductions of the buildings will also be accessed online so that everyone will be able to discover the wonders of Genoa from far away.
The two sub-challenges defined by Genoa Municipality with the support of FILSE, Italian partner of SME4SMARTCITIES, will soon be tackled by these two pilot projects for a more sustainable and smart(er) Genoa!