SME4SMARTCITIES pilot’s solutions caught the attention of Greencities and S-mobility fair participants
On the 21nd and 22nd of September 2022, Greencities and S-mobility fair was held in Malaga, Spain. The Spanish partners, BIC Euronova and CEEIM Murcia, were present with a booth at the event.
The purpose of the partner’s presence in this event was sharing the objectives of the SME4SMARTCITIES project to a wide range of stakeholders as well as collecting information about people’s opinion on the development of the project. The participants of the fair were made of very diverse group of people with a wide range of occupations such as students, managers, municipalities and corporative representatives, etc.
Partners also shared space with some of the winning SMEs from the SME4SMARTCITIES project, so their projects could get more visibility in an innovative and sustainable environment which was one of the objectives of the project. With that in mind, partners arranged some meetings between municipalities and the winning SMEs with an agenda meeting tool provided from the Greencities event’s organization. Moreover, various contests took place and partners, in line with the relevant SMEs, decided to present the Malaga pilot of SME4SMARTCITIES, QUICK, for one of them. It was in order to give visibility to the framework of the project and how is working its implementation.
Overall, participants were very interest in the SME4SMARTCITIES project activity and wanted to know if the partners could share more in detail the work developed during it. Since one of the tools the consortium would like to capitalize on was the “training the trainers” course, the partners briefly explained the modules that make up this training as well as the networking community of the website itself. The participants thought that the content of the modules was relevant for SMEs managers and they also felt that the community idea had a lot of potential because they saw as an effective measure for bringing public entities and SMEs closer together which was one of the objectives of this project.
In addition, the pilot’s solutions caught the attention of many participants because they found interesting ways of solving global problems and partners tried to explain that it was, in part, thanks to the close cooperation between municipalities and SMEs developed during the SME4SMARTCITIES project.