SME4SMARTCITIES launches a call for the development of animated infographic videos and promo booklet
Kfar Saba Municipality from Israel, one of the beneficiaries of the EU co-funded SME4SMARTCITIES project, invites interested parties to submit a proposal-offer in accordance with the specifications described in the bidding documentation available here.
Deadline for submitting the bids: 29th of December 2022.
SME4SMARTCITIES is a European project within the ENI CBC Med Programme and whose main objective is to promote the development of small and medium-sized technology companies and facilitating their access to the smart city market. The initiative also seeks to improve Mediterranean cities’ competitiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.
In this context, Kfar Saba Municipality , as part of the SME4SMARTCITIES partnership, launches this bidding procedure to subcontract an external provider for the development of animated infographic videos and a booklet in the subject of the urban solutions selected in the abovementioned project call for sub-grants. Both, videos and booklet, aim to be valuable tools for facilitating the understanding of the project urban solutions by potential buyers, final users and general public, as well as for increasing the communication and dissemination impact of the project.
Good luck to all the participants!