SME4SMARTCITIES promoted in an Italian marketplace for business innovation
The Municipality of Genova has recently launched NOVA, a new web platform financed by PON METRO 2014 – 2020 funds, an Italian operative programme aiming to support urban development actions. Among all stakeholders that are supporting NOVA’s scale-up and implementation, there is FILSE, the Liguria Region Financial Development Agency, and the Italian partner of the SME4SMARTCITIES project.
Future entrepreneurs, Innovative SMEs, Start-ups and Spin-offs, Corporates can increase their business, activate networks and co-production synergies with other organizations, keeping themselves updated on the participatory sections of the Bulletin Board and Magazine. The platform serves also as a compass to learn and choose the most appropriate service available in the digital ecosystem, made available by the stakeholders participating in the NOVA.
Companies can also join the Register of Innovative Companies of the Chamber of Commerce to enhance and share their most cutting-edge products, services, projects, and technologies.
Many of the local SMEs that joined the entrepreneurial missions and the co-creation activities in the framework of SME4SMARTCITIES are already on NOVA, a sign that Genoa smart city ecosystem is increasingly active and well!