SME4SMARTCITIES promotes women entrepreneurs
“Women4Climate” is a mentorship program for groundbreaking women entrepreneurs who design new environmental and climate-related products and solutions for cities and for community wellbeing. It is a C40 international program that gives entrepreneurs mentorship and tools to develop and promote their ideas.
As C40 organization explains “Women make up close to half the world’s population, and although they are often disproportionately impacted by climate change, their voices are not always heard due to lack of inclusion and representation at the decision-making level. Now more than ever, enhancing women’s participation and leadership in the conversation around climate action will be critical to securing a healthy, prosperous, and sustainable future for us all.”
The program is led annually in cities across the world. Tel Aviv is one of the cities where the program has been led by the municipality for a number of years now. In 2022-2023, a group of 12 women, each with a great idea and a burning passion to contribute to urban resilience and wellbeing, worked with mentors from Tel Aviv Tech, Tel Aviv innovation centers, the municipal Environment and Sustainability Authority and SME4SMARTCITIES on innovative and groundbreaking projects. Dr. Orli Ronen, SME4SMARTCITIES TAU team, worked with entrepreneurs who developed great new ideas into actual products and projects.
The event took place on 20th March 2023.
Image: SME4SMARTCITIES project partners from Spain, Italy and Israel on a meeting with Adi Sholev, Founder and CEO of Urban Daisy and a participant in the Women4Climate mentorship program in Tel Aviv, at a green roof created by Uban Daisy in Abraham Hostel in the center of Tel Aviv.