SME4SMARTCITIES smart solution tested in Yecla and Molina de Segura, Spain
On the 24th and 25th of January 2023, SME4SMARTCITIES organized two events in the cities of Yecla and Molina de Segura respectively (Region of Murcia; Spain) with the involvement of CEEIM as a project partner, Cities Forum (the Spanish project development coach) and the three companies (Solmes, Libelium, and AIM) that are part of the winner consortium to develop the smart city solution selected in the Region of Murcia: Park4Dis.
The events had the purpose of publicly presenting the SME4SMARTCITIES project and the selected solution in the abovementioned cities. Several representatives of the municipality had the chance to find out about the possibilities offered by this smart parking tool and see first-hand the opportunities that collaboration with SMEs can represent for the development of their cities with technological and innovative approaches.
In addition, people with reduced mobility associations and the general public interested in the solution learned how to use the app and its benefits. In addition, the volunteers that will test the pilots received the required devices and were informed in detail about the tools and functions of the solution to know, at any moment, the location of all the city PRM parking spaces and which of them (among the ones equipped with sensors) are available.
Keep following us as the SME4SMARTCITIES project, plans to organise similar events in the other two cities that will implement the Park4Dis solution in the framework of the project: Murcia and Cartagena.