SME4SMARTCITIES: Spanish partners promote relations between SMEs and municipalities
BIC Euronova and CEEIM Murcia organized a workshop session last Friday 16th September in Murcia to expose the knowledge acquired during the SME4SMARTCITIES project which is being developed under the framework of the ENI CBC MED Program. The event was part of the annual meeting and public event of the RECI (Spanish Network of Smart Cities).
The other objective of the workshop was to promote relations between SMEs and municipalities. Therefore, among the attendees were several representatives of municipalities willing to install innovative solutions to take their cities a step further in the development of Smart Cities.
The workshop started with a speech of general comments from the objectives of the project followed by the Capacity Training Program which was developed to prepare SMEs properly to introduce them into the smart cities industry. To make the session more interesting the partners used Kahoot and Mentimeter online tools to make attendees conscious of their knowledge of the smart cities sector so they could identify what aspects they may improve.
The project partners also exposed the experience of managing the entrepreneurial missions and how they connected the SMEs with municipalities from different countries. The idea of sharing these experiences was to demonstrate that the enterprises could develop better ideas if the relationship between both actors would be closer.
At the end of the day, most of the ideas suggested by all participants were discussed and some solutions were proposed for the main concerns for both SMEs and municipalities.