SME4SMARTCITIES project in Israel publishes and implements the Innovation Zone Toolbox
The SME4SMARTCITIES project published last week (September 2023) the Innovation Zone Toolbox – a set of tools that guide cities in leveraging the existing potential of an innovation zone in a local area designated to demonstrate and facilitate community involvement in innovation and sustainability. It offers a multitude of opportunities for experiencing and developing the full urban ecosystem collaboration of the local government, SMEs, academic institutions, NGOs, schools, and the local resident community.
Therefore, it supports SMEs co-creation toward smart cities solution innovation. This is especially relevant for the smart cities market as the commitment of the regional stakeholders and the close cooperation with local governments will allow SMEs to develop solutions more suitable to the real needs of cities. The planning and design of the innovation zone toolbox builds on previous work undergone through the project, the studies, and work with both cities and SMEs and on the resulting deliverables of the SME4SMARTCITIES project.
The Innovation Zone toolbox is practically implemented in the Herzliya Hi-Tech area, turning the disparate and disconnected offices of small and large enterprises into a live community facilitated by the municipality. The Innovation Zone Toolbox has 3 components:
- The thematic plan and planning Toolbox – Establishing an Innovation Zone.
- The Innovation Zone design playbook and design guide
- The Innovation Zone “Playground” guidebook – for the inspirational deep dive and the long-term activities to be conducted by the municipality and the SMEs – The Innovation Zone Playground guidebook.
Stay tuned as the documents will soon be available for download!