SME4SMARTCITIES to solve major urban challenges and climate change mitigation needs
During its 4-years course, the SME4SMARTCITIES project developed and nurtured the concepts of co-creation and trilateral – local government (cities), academia, and industry (innovative SMEs) collaboration and put them into practice through this co-development and implementation of 6 solutions and case studies in municipalities.
These endeavors get interest from global industry and government leaders after being presented at innovation sessions and visits to global audiences. In August the project and its achievements were presented and discussed at a visit of senior business managers and academy scholars from Japan at the remarkable Municipal Innovation Center of Mashcal – The local government economic services subsidiary of The Federation of Local Authorities in Israel. In early September, it was also demonstrated at meetings and study tours with national road managers from Kenya, Namibia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with organizational leaders from UAE and Bahrain, and with Bouygues Group management from France.
The experience gained during the SME4SMARTCITIES project and the guides and toolboxes the project published can help facilitate trilateral co-development to solve major urban challenges and climate change mitigation needs not only in the Mediterranean area but across many other regions as well.
Image: presentation of the SME4SMARTCITIES project and deliverables At the LEED Platinum Porter Building meeting room.