SME4SMARTCITIES training materials are now available
At the end of 2022, the SME4SMARTCITIES consortium announced, that the SME4SMARTCITIES training programme is now open to anyone who has registered on the platform beforehand. Being one of the main tools of the programme, the project online course aims mainly at preparing the technological and innovative Mediterranean SMEs to address smart cities solutions market, identify the opportunities generated and go international. Complementing its written material, the training programe also features video interviews with experts in the framework of the project in different fields.
Among the topics addressed in the videos by the experts interviewed are, for instance: circular economy and SDGs, resilience and sustainability, smart cities ecosystem, major processes, top domains and sustainable environments, enabling technologies, understanding cities, need and processes, smart market, internationalization and growth.
The interviewees are recognized experts in various fields of study and research such as: renewable energies, fintech, economics, engineering as well as architecture among others. Besides, it also count on the collaboration of relevant local authorities of European leading cities such as Genova.
You can access the videos here, on the ENI-CBC MED website (under videos in the section Library), or alternatively by registering on our platform where the rest of the course content, as well as other tools and materials developed during the project, are available to anyone interested in the field of Smart Cities.
Enjoy the SME4SMARTCITIES training course!