SME4SMARTCITIES promotes its training and subgrantees to improve the sustainability of Mediterranean cities
On the 28th of November 2022, the first annual CARISMED (Capitalisation for Re-setting Innovation and Sustainability in MED-Cities) conference for partners and stakeholders took place in Palermo, Sicily at the Nouve Officine Zisa-NOZ. CEEIM, the coordinator of the SME4SMARTCITIES project, participated in the event sharing best practices implemented in the Region of Murcia, Spain in the framework of this project.
CARISMED aims at promoting the uptake of results achieved by SME4SMARTCITIES and 2 other ongoing ENI CBC MED projects (MAIA-TAQA and INNOMED-UP) to develop policies for improving sustainability and integrating innovation into the urban settings of Mediterranean cities, through the capitalization of circular economy (CE) and creative approaches.
During the first session about capitalized projects, Federico La Torre (FILSE, Italian partner of SME4SMARTCITIES) presented the project as well as the latest actions that have been carried out such as the opening of its training programme, the co-creation and co-innovation activities or the results of the call for solutions.
Subsequently, Metteo Colli (Artys, consortium coordinator) presented one of the two solutions selected in Genova, Italy as part of the project call: IN-HERITAGE which is a digital twin platform for heritage preservation and knowledge sharing that is being developed and tested with the collaboration of HOPU and PM_TEN s.r.l. It monitors and shares real-time information about the state of historic building exteriors with respect to the atmospheric conditions by integrating innovative technologies and digital twins.