SME4SMARTCITIES: From solving real challenges to open air test beds
In June 2023, the SME4SMARTCITIES consortium met at the Innovation Center of Andalucia, BIC EURONOVA, S.A, in the Malaga Industrial Park and presented its project solutions at the Final project conference. Malaga, far down the coast of Spain, 770 km south of Barcelona, is the sixth largest city in Spain. Yet, it is a leader in innovative initiatives and in the development of technological solutions.
This is the city where Pablo Picasso was born. The combination of old and new, tradition and creativity, once again showed its amazing power and also the mindblowing potential of entrepreneurship, co-innovation, and an open mind. A city worth traveling to and even more – a great place for creating and developing innovative ideas.
At the Final Conference from Malaga, the consortium presented the research results, guides, shared initiatives, and solutions developed together by the selected entrepreneurs from Spain, Italy, and Israel, municipalities, innovation centers, academia, and government organizations. The core essence is joint and creative solution development – Co-Creation, Co-innovation. The open approach and the deep commitment to finding solutions to the challenges experienced by residents of the cities are at the heart of the SME4SMARTCITIES project. All the prepared solutions and products will be on the project website, and most importantly – the developed solutions will serve the residents of the participating cities.
During the Malaga visit the SME4SMARTCITIES stakeholders visited the premises of the DEKRA company. This is an open air test bed, where autonomous cars are tested at intersections and in the presence of passing vehicles. True, artificial intelligence drives the cars, but the main intelligence that drives it all sits in the management and control structure next to the testing complex.
Thanks to the hosts at BIC EURONOVA, S.A who organized the visit.