SME4SMARTCITIES meet to discuss some solutions for Mediterranean city challenges
After 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SME4SMARTCITIES consortium finally managed to meet again face-to-face at the 5th Steering Committee meeting which took place in Genoa, Italy on 7th of April 2022. The consortium partner from Italy, FI.LSE SpA, hosted the meeting as it succeeded the 1st Commercial Mission of the project, which was also held in Genoa in between 5th – 6th of April 2022.
The day started with a short welcome from the hosts and the project coordinator, The European Center of Companies and Innovation of Murcia, Spain followed by a brief presentation on the reporting procedures within the framework of the ENI CBC MED Programme – State of play for the SME4SMARTCITIES project, done by Mrs. Valeria Cibrario from the Joint Technical Secretariat Programme ENI CBC MED and it continued with presentations from each work package leader. The leaders of the work packages presented the progress of their tasks, what has been done so far, the impact of their actions and future action points. The next commercial missions from Israel and Spain were also discussed in detail. For more info on these follow our social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube) or our news section!
It was great to have the chance to discuss the progress of the project face-to-face rather than through online meetings. Looking forward to implementing the next steps of the SME4SMARTCITIES project!