SME4SMARTCITIES launched its second step of its call for proposals to support SMEs developing smart solutions for Mediterranean cities
The full application step of the SME4SMARTCITIES call for proposals has been launched!
Following the guidelines made public at the beginning of the process, only SMEs that are successful in the initial concept note step (almost 50) will now be invited to submit a full application as the 2nd step. After this phase, final selected applicants will be awarded sub-grants and will be expected to develop Smart City solutions for the below urban challenges, that were identified by Mediterranean cities participating in the project:
Smart parking for persons with reduced mobility.
Water sanitation, supply, management and monitoring systems.
Easy and safe usage of electric vehicles.
Adapting and improving city environments threatened by climate change.
The urban heat island effect.
The deadline for submission of the full application step is 31 May 2022 at 18:00 CET.
During the upcoming two months, April-May 2022, pre-selected SMEs will be involved in different trainings and co-creation activities organized by the project to support the design and development of their proposals for innovative and technological urban solutions and develop skills for applying to public procurement opportunities in the Mediterranean market.