SME4SMARTCITIES in Spain to tackle smart parking for people with disability through its call for sub-grants
Representatives from all the cities of the Region of Murcia, Spain belonging to the support group (Murcia, Cartagena, Molina de Segura and Yecla) and from the “Smart Region” strategy met on the 13th of January 2022. The scope of the meeting was to continue defining the details and technical specifications of the urban challenge launched from this region within the framework of the SME4SMARTCITIES project call for subgrants. In addition to all the aforementioned cities, the Institute of Social Action of Murcia (IMAS) also took part in the meeting, as the entity that proposed the selected challenge: to find a smart parking solution for people with reduced mobility. The European Centre for Business and Innovation of Murcia (CEEIM), the leading partner of the project, coordinated the meeting and will keep working with all the involved actors.
Following the closing of the first phase of the call for subgrants, which will conclude with the selection of the companies participating in the project’s Training Programme and the co-creation, co-innovation and cooperation support programme activities, the second step will soon be launched. During this second step, only the companies that applied and were selected during the first phase will be able to apply. In the second step or the Full Application step of the call, the partnership will expect to receive proposals with specific solutions to the urban challenges raised from each of the project’s territories.
Stay tuned and find out which are the selected companies that will be able to prepare a Full Application!