SME4SMARTCITIES: Call for the provision of an online platform and consultancy services to manage the project sub-granting procedure
Fundación Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación (CEEIM) located in Murcia (Spain), Lead Beneficiary of the EU co-funded SME4SMARTCITIES project, invites interested parties to submit a proposal-offer in accordance with the specifications described in the call for interest “Provision of an online platform and consultancy services to manage the project sub-granting procedure”.
The deadline for submitting the bids is 12:00 PM on the 25th of August 2021.
More details can be found here.
The main objective of the SME4SMARTCITIES project is to promote the development and internationalization of small and medium-sized technology companies facilitating their access to the smart cities market. The initiative also seeks to improve the competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability of Mediterranean cities. The launch of present bidding procedure is framed within the sub-granting procedure that will take place in the project in order to support SMEs in the development of smart city solutions to the urban challenges identified of Mediterranean cities.