SME4SMARTCITIES aims for synergies with other EU projects joining IPMED event
In the morning of July 20th 2021, Antonio Fuentes Cano from our lead partner CEEIM Murcia joined other ten speakers for the online event Innovative SMEs, EU projects and Synergies in the Mediterranean Area organized by FILSE in the framework of IPMED project activities. The event represented an opportunity for dialogue on the development of the territories and the enterprises among different projects in the Mediterranean area.
An audience of 50 viewers was welcomed by the speech of FILSE vice-director Nives Maria Riggio, leaving the floor to Mutaz Alnumair for IPMED lead partner JEDCO who focused on the support offered by IPMED project in the intellectual property field.
It was then the turn for Antonio Fuentes Cano to present the training platform for startuppers and enterprises developed as part of SME4SMARTCITIES project. After a brief overview of the project, Antonio explained how the platform aims to create a collaborative space to develop a network of SMEs working in the Smart Cities field. The call for sub-grant applications was the final topic to be presented, anticipating the training program and the co-creation and co-innovation activities foreseen for the 60 SMEs that will be selected.
A round table moderated by Pietro De Martino was held right after, featuring Melody Da Silva Rousseau, CCI Savoie for PITEM CLIP – CIRCUITO project (France Italie ALCOTRA – Italia Francia ALCOTRA), Andrea Puccini, Pont-Tech for FRI_START2 project (Interreg Maritime – Marittimo) Marina Berhault Petra Patrimonia for RESMYLE project (ENI CBC Med Programme) along with Antonio Fuentes Cano and Mutaz Alnumair.
The morning event ended with two speeches consisting in a focus on the next programming of ENI CBC Med Programme by Fabrizio Paloni, Joint Technical Secretariat coordinator, followed by an overview on the role of Liguria Region regarding crossborder cooperation by Marco Rolandi, Interreg coordination for Regione Liguria.