SME4SMARTCITIES promoted at a networking event in Genoa, Italy
On Monday 14th March 2022 the Genova Smart City association organized, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Genova, a networking event between Municipal stakeholders and local startups.
Among the several speakers representing the stakeholders of Genova, Maria Nives Riggio offered an overview of the commitment of FILSE (in-house regional financial body), regarding the growth and the support for the local startup and SMEs network. As vice general director of the Agency and executive manager of the special projects and business creation sector, Riggio knows very well the challenges of the game: “FILSE has a relevant record of success stories thanks to the projects lead by its business incubators; the SMARTcup Liguria competition, for example, has helped and supported the establishment of more than 55 innovative and successful startups and it’s very rewarding to meet them during these networking events”. Many representatives of the local business innovation ecosystem attended the event, including the founders of React4life and Luminous Bees, two of the winning projects of the past regional business plan competition organized by FILSE.
The event was also an opportunity to present the ENI CBCMED – SME4SMARTCITIES project and its upcoming commercial mission in Genova, which FILSE is hosting as a project partner. “More than 60 national and foreign entrepreneurs will visit the cutting-edge facilities of our city, meeting the local stakeholders involved in the smart city sector. – explained Maria Nives Riggio offering further insight about the local event – It’s a great business opportunity for the participants SMEs and for the local innovation business network in Genova.”
The SME4SMARTCITIES presentation given by FILSE can be found here.