SME4SMARTCITIES in Spain looks for an external Product Development Coach
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación (CEEIM) located in Murcia (Spain), Lead Beneficiary of the EU co-funded SME4SMARTCITIES project, invites interested parties to submit a proposal-offer in accordance with the specifications described in the bidding documentation available here.
Deadline for submitting the bids: 19th of March 2022.
SME4SMARTCITIES project helps cities to be the front-runners of innovation, in particular through the use of public procurement of innovative solutions while, on the other hand, the project supports Mediterranean SMEs to guarantee that their products and services meet the expectations and needs of smart cities. The object of this bidding procedure is to subcontract external services:
1) to support pre-selected SMEs to prepare their proposals for the 2nd step of both Spanish calls (“Smart parking in the Region of Murcia (Spain) for persons with reduced mobility” & “Easy and safe usage of electric vehicles in Málaga (Spain)”).
2) following the 2nd step of the call for proposals, to support final selected SMEs or consortia of SMEs to develop, test and promote their solutions for the abovementioned urban challenges (“Smart parking in the Region of Murcia (Spain) for persons with reduced mobility” & “Easy and safe usage of electric vehicles in Málaga (Spain)”).
Good luck to all the participants!